About Me

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I'm Kati(: ♥ ♥ I will kill you if you put an e on my name ♥ ♥ Miley Cyrus ♥ ♥ Eminem ♥ ♥ I'm tall for my age, but short compared to most nonfemales ♥ ♥ Degrassi ♥ ♥ Music ♥ ♥ Bandddd(: ♥ ♥ Injuries are like, my thing ♥ ♥ I tend to attract freaks, bad boys, and jerks ♥ ♥ I grew incredibly fast for about 2 years :/ ♥ ♥ Family come first, then you(': ♥ That about sums it up! :)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Well, let's have a conversation!

So... this is going to be my introductory post, so I am going to tell you what I would say if I were just meeting you for the first time (since that kinda is what I'm doing...)

I will be represented by K, and you will be represented by A.

K: Hi, I'm Kati... and that's without an "e"
A: Oh, hello, I'm _____
K: Wellll, how are you

skip a few words and whatnot

A: So tell me a little about you.
K: Well, I will murder you if you spell my name with an "e" it is spelled K-A-T-I... and pronounced Katie. I love hearts and stars, and I have a boyfriend named Nick. This is the second time we have dated. I have so many awesome friends that its not even funny. I hang out with the "cool" kids... or the "it" kids so to speak. I am very random, and when I am hyper its scary. Makeup is my passion, but so is music. To me, they go hand in hand with each other. I can't put makeup on without music... but I can listen to music without makeup. Speaking of makeup, if I ever let you see me with no eyeliner on, your like very important to me. Eyeliner is my baby, you can take it away, and I'll line my eyes with eyeshadow, because I'm that cool. I'm in the eighth grade, I have really big brown eyes, an uneven body, and I'm actually quite tall. I am clumsier than Lord knows what. But enough about me, what about you?

And this is where you would tell me about yourself... so, will you do me a favor and tell me about yourself in comments below?

Speaking of comments, I am going to have comment questions in every post... which will hopefully be everyday.

CQ #1: What's your favorite food? Mine is Cookie Dough(:
CQ #2: What size shoe do you wear? I wear 7.5's-8's in Womens.
CQ #3: How many siblings do you have? What gender are they? I have 3, one brother (older), and two sisters (one older, one younger).
CQ #4: How did you stumble across my blog? Obviously I didn't... seeing as I created it. :P

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